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The Claim Game: A Homeowner’s Guide to Avoiding an Insurance Catastrophe

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Chapters 1 and 2

Insurance is a game of chance. You’re betting that something will happen and you’ll get back some of the money you’ve been paying to your insurer for years, insurers are betting that either nothing will happen or that policyholders will be too afraid to file a claim or are uninformed enough about their own coverages to know whether something is covered or not.

Table of Contents


Read the Table of Contents

When buying a How-To book, it’s always good to review the entire table of contents to see it that book has everything you’re looking for, that’s why you can click on the link below to get a downloadable PDF that lists the entire table of contents for the paperback version. 

What “The Claim Game”  Does


-  Discover hidden coverages that protect you and save you money.
-  Get a denied claim covered.
-  Reduce or eliminate your deductible.
-  Decipher your insurance policy so it actually makes sense
-  Understand an estimate from your insurer or a contractor
-  Guidance on how to select the right contractor for you
-  An in-depth examination of the most common issues and concerns homeowners face
-  Claim-specific guidance for many types of losses including hurricane, tornado, hail, wind, earthquake, fire, sewer and drain back up and many more.
- Free forms to help organize your claim to expedite the claims process

Copyright 2021 by Andrew Wallingford